In no particular order:
001: Leaf blowers
002: Made up words like "Melty" and "Readiest"
003: Pour grammerz
004: Brussel Sprouts
005: Racism
006: Disrespecting elders
007: Disrespecting military veterans
008: Burning the American flag
009: Not standing up for the National Anthem
010: Terrorists
011: Terrorist attacks
012: Socialism, past and present forms
013: Disrespecting the office of the president
014: Destroying historical monuments
015: Loud neighbors
016: Running out of tea
017: Disrespecting the south
018: Yankees
019: Criminals
020: Google
021: Buzzfeed
022: MSNBC
023: CNN
024: Pretty much all left-wing propaganda
025: Taking prayer out of schools
026: Teaching the Shahada to grade schoolers
027: Shariah Law
028: Rapists
029: Shady politicians
030: Weak economy
031: Entitlement
032: Lawlessness
033: Perversion
034: Blasphemy
035: Jealousy
036: Covetousness
037: Adultery
038: Tea that isn't sweet
039: People who don't know what grits are
040: Being tired all the time
041: When my cat won't shut up
042: Pedophiles
043: SJWs (Even though I laugh at them)
044: Bible burnings
045: Animal cruelty
046: PETA (Unless it's People Eating Tasty Animals)
047: Trendy Hip Hop
048: Pop Country
049: Hatred
050: Mosquitoes
051: Gnats
052: Tofu
053: Neglect
054: Hallucinations
055: Schizophrenia
056: Depression
057: Anxiety
058: Suffering
059: The fact that people are homeless
060: Most Millennials
061: Litter
062: Third Wave Feminism
063: The Pay Gap Myth
064: Snotty brats
065: Holocaust Deniers
066: The flat earth theory
067: Antisemitism
068: Sanctuary Cities
069: Open borders
070: Illegal immigration
071: Parasites
072: Antifa
073: Domestic terrorists in general
074: Lustful thoughts
075: Objectifying women
076: Greed
077: The love of money in general
078: Refusing to give someone in need help
079: People who mock the power of prayer
080: Teaching sexual perversion to grade schoolers
081: Yahoo!
082: The devil
083: Cults
084: The Prosperity Gospel
085: The division in churches
086: Pride
087: Murder
088: Arson
089: Assault
090: Riots
091: Drinking alcohol
092: Smoking weed
093: Doing drugs in general
094: The New World Order
095: Communism
096: North Korea
097: Iran
098: The Body Positivity Movement
099: White Supremacy
100: Being away from my home planet of Mars
If Earth was flat, cats would have pushed everything off by now...