As my favorite rapper pointed out: "The world is crazy it's all a sign of the times." If you just turn on the news for once second, you notice we're living in bizzaro land, and madmen with guns are around every corner. Before I was saved, I would always wonder what the end of the world would look like and I always thought murder would be an everyday thing. People would rape, kill and destroy each other in every way imaginable.
And if you look at today's world, you'll see I'm kind of right. Though I think the chaos will soon subside when the Antichrist appears. I'm counting on the rapture however. I don't plan on staying for that evil son of a gun to show up.
But what's crazier than the terrorists are the people that make excuses for the terrorists. "They just have it bad, that's all." "It's the weather." "They don't have the same luxuries we do." "Blah blah blah!"
And then you have people like Katy Perry saying no walls, no borders. Let's have a Kumbaya in this one world society and just hug it out. Yet, she has a wall around her house. I'm tired of the hipocrisy from the left. It's ridiculous. Katy Perry had an album called Dark Horse and did some blatant witchcraft in one of her performances for the song. I think she's the last person I would want to take advice from.
The world is chaotic and it won't be long till the Antichrist comes in and "fixes" everything with this false peace. If you look at Europe these days, they are longing for the Antichrist. They've been ready for him for years.
There's going to be a one world government, economy and religion, and if you don't see that's where we're headed today, it's time to take off the rose-colored glasses. You may mock us Christians and say "They've been talking about his coming for centuries." Well, the Bible actually warns us about people like you. "Why does He prolong His coming?" It's actually in the Bible telling us that there will be scoffers in the last days.
I don't care if His coming is a day from now or even 1,000 years, it still doesn't change the fact that Jesus is coming, and I'm looking forward to it. This world is not my home. "Like a Bride, waiting for Her Groom, we'll be a Church, ready for you. Jesus is coming soon!" Hallelujah!
I'm looking forward to that trumpet sound. I pray for the people that aren't saved yet that they would get on their knees and repent. Time is running out and the world is getting ready for the Antichrist. It's not going to be pretty.
Terrorist attacks no longer surprise me. It's the month of Ramadan and terrorist attacks are more frequent during this time of the Islamic calendar. They believe in honor killings. As a former Muslim, I pray more Muslims can come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ like I have. I will still continue to minister to my Muslim brothers and sisters and speak of Jesus, and hopefully be a saving grace to them all for the glory of God.
Until His coming, I'm just a watchman on the wall, ready for my Savior to come ransom us from this sinful, fallen world.
The Disgruntled Southerner signing off for now!
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