Monday, June 5, 2017

Being Happy When You're Single

I'm 30 years old now. I've had my share of girlfriends, but I know now I was too immature back then to make such commitments. Even in my mid 20s, I just wasn't ready to be with someone. I'm 30 and single. I used to think that I needed to have someone else in my life to be happy.

That's simply not true!

While yes, having a significant other in my life would be wonderful, I'm not sure how fair it would be to the other person due to my schizophrenia. Since I'm disabled, I wouldn't be the ideal companion of a woman to provide for.

I had to come to that conclusion a few years ago. As a man, I want to be able to provide for my significant other. Being disabled sucks and trust me, it's not something I'm happy about. I love working with my hands, but I can't do it because of this illness. I'm a Christian conservative. I want to WORK for a living, but we don't always get what we want.

I'm just not ready to bring another person into my life. I don't think it's fair to the woman. Maybe when I'm older. But I'm not sad about it. I'm actually happy! And if you're single, you can be happy, too!

Forget feeling bad on Valentine's Day or if your friends are getting married, and/or having babies. Your time will come. But being single gives you a wonderful opportunity. You get to work on yourself. You get to learn about yourself more and more when you're single. And don't worry about being my age and still being single. Most people seem to find their partners in their 20s, so I'm a rare bird.

I'm not even lonely, to be honest. I'm completely content with my life. The Lord has set my path before me. I'm a happy person. I take my medicine and enjoy spending time with my loved ones. Also, my cat is pretty great even if he is annoying.

But if you're a rare bird like me and you're 30 and still single, don't despair. In relationships, timing is never perfect. Don't give up. Maybe there is someone for me, but until I find her, I'm just going to keep doing me and stay positive. I owe that to the people around me.

I actually love being single! And also, in my teens I've made it a commitment to stay celibate until I'm married. In a world that told me to just "do it", like it's the highlight of people's lives, I refused and thank God I did. I'm waiting for my bride. She deserves a good man that waits for her.

I'm very happy with the choices I've made in life. I'm happy to be single!

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